The 2022 breeding season resulted in four fillies and six colts for Arden Lodge and with the weaning process under way John and Judy Stiven are very happy with how they have all thrived in the hot, drier than normal summer conditions. They are very pleased with how their decision to use young stallions has resulted in a great crop of foals. They have two Tall Dark Stranger colts and two fillies, two colts by Downbytheseaside, a Father Patrick colt, a Lazarus colt, and a filly to Captaintreacherous and to Capt Midnight.
Also very pleasing is that all 15 of the broodmares that were served are in foal. "The national average runs around 66% so we have done better than that and can look forward to good numbers again next year," said John. "We really like the look of our Tall Dark Strangers so have gone back to him with Venus Serena and Tricky Woman."
The colts by Downbytheseaside and Lazarus have also impressed so they are pleased to have mares in foal to them again, and they have two in foal to Captaintreacherous. The Stivens have also supported Vincent, Always B Miki, Sweet Lou, Stay Hungry and Zenith Stride.